It is all abt gray , light and utmost dark color of life .Simply expressing every bit of life in different perspective
DevRatn's Articles In Philosophy
February 14, 2005 by DevRatn
Well --In my last article i wrote over "Homosexuality --a sin?"...I wrote my thoughts "how it is alright "[in case Homosexuality is unconditional]" I am continuing this topic again as for "Sex " is concerned many religion says "Sex is only meant for reproduction And not for enjoyment".Is anyone following this principle all over the world??? Well we had set our limits that what is bad or what is gud ..what can be conceived and what is a Sin. It [Homosexuality] is...
February 13, 2005 by DevRatn
I believe that Homosexuality is should be seen as "Natural Sex" .Here in the world of Animals ---thr is two tendencies as far sex is concerned : 1> For whome Luv is first then comes sex as medium to express LUV. 2>For whome [Generation X may be] thr is no LUV at all ...only sex. Homosexuality lies in first category ..mostly ,nobody prefers to have sex with same sex .Actually sometime it happens that one feels happy and secure with someone of same sex ...more comfortable than anyone else ...
February 12, 2005 by DevRatn
Well, once again I am returned to write over colours. Two colors attracts me most [u can say both rest upon extreme]...White and Black .We know all abt the "Sooth" and "Peace " related to WHITE.Untill sometime b4 I hated Black most ...for its ,meaning of darkness ....sorrow ...illiteracy ..dullness. But today I am looking it with different percpective ..although it's very much contrast of white ...but by this way if u draw its meaning like just negative of white ......