Do you people know how much a human brain worth!!!It worths a lot ..more than you can imagine .This i am saying is from my
experience :
In my college days i was just working on a project "A security system based on image recognition".This is just a very small part of
work what our brain does daily without much effort.We took most efficient method "Eigen face method" and developed out
project around that.When we developed our project and started testing ...i was shocked our work was not of much worth.In the real life it was most of the time failing..uuhhhh...mostly we faced the problem of Lighting ..means if our system was trained for a particular light for a particular image it was failed to for other lighting condition.
Most aweful problem was of orintation real life practice whenever we took a image for the recognition each and every time
orientation was different from previous even after normalization it didnt work.We used "background substraction" to
make it independent of background ..we did normalization to make it independent of oreintation ..calculation was increasing like
hell but efficeincy very little.
My system never seems to be close of doing what we do in daily life:"Recognition of earlier seen faces without any effort".It tooks a lot of effort to just copy one functionality of human brain.I was dreeming of automating everythings .i dont
know how many bits [logic] it would take to make a efficeint automatic system for "crossing road"...i am thinking..or you say