It is all abt gray , light and utmost dark color of life .Simply expressing every bit of life in different perspective
Published on February 13, 2005 By DevRatn In Philosophy
I believe that Homosexuality is should be seen as "Natural Sex" .Here in the world of Animals ---thr is two tendencies as far sex is concerned :
1> For whome Luv is first then comes sex as medium to express LUV.
2>For whome [Generation X may be] thr is no LUV at all ...only sex.

Homosexuality lies in first category ..mostly ,nobody prefers to have sex with same sex .Actually sometime it happens that one feels happy and secure with someone of same sex ...more comfortable than anyone else ...he/she expresses himself/herself to that person very naturally And that person may be of same sex ..and thr comes homosexuality for True Luv we cannt see it with despise.It also deserve respect.Well for south -Asian countries if lot of people prefer this one [Homosexuality ] ..population will come down to a larger extent ...Lol.

Well those who like Homosexuality just for adventure ..atlast avoid it and comes to natural one.
So "Homosexuals" are just as normal as anyone else but may be more "Emotional"

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 13, 2005
You know, if I was gay, and agreed with you in principle, I would still find this article a bit disturbing.

Basically you're saying that Homosexuals should be considered "natural" because, while they would prefer to have heterosexual sex, they do it because they want to feel more "emotional"???

I do believe that homosexual acts are a sin, however I am capable of seperating what I think of the sin from what I think of the sinner. Its pushing it, but I'll even try to seperate what I think of you from this absolutely hienous article!!! ;~D

on Feb 13, 2005
Sex is a natural act. Same sex, sex is a little more complicated dontcha thunk. Apart from the fact that the apparatus is sort of like a magnetic objection, the partners just end up simulating hetrosexuality, so whatza beeeg deal? Though a man or women may be sexually caught up in stuff that is really complicating their lives, there is freedom and their is understanding, but I guess we know who to look to for that, certainly not this site, I would recommend Jesus, He loved me enough - to let me know, and His love is not the judgmental and opinionated type that pervades the media.
on Feb 13, 2005
what, you're an atheist or something?
There were times where God are more short-fused than He seems entire nation is cursed and wiped out literally from the face of the earth because they let homosexuality on the loose....
well, let's just hope this happens again, so gays and lesbis are purged out and the world will be in harmony again..



on Feb 13, 2005
So you're saying homosexual sex is "emotional" and that it only expresses "LUV"[sic]. Well, if that holds true I'm glad all the inmates in prison are so full of "luv"[sic]. They are completey "luv"[sic] filled by making sure you're filled with a little something too....

Your logic is flawed...if you can call it logic...and saying that God agrees with this kind of crap is more than likely a mistake. You don't get electricity by plugging plug into another plug or putting an outlet into another outlet.....therefore, it's not natural and not acceptable in the eyes of God. However, if anyone wants to be homosexual, that is their choice and I won't ridicule them for it. I don't hold it in very high regard, and I don't agree with the principles....but if you're homosexual go ahead and go for it.

on Feb 13, 2005
God is not the boogieman. Those people in Sodom and Gommorah, were not just practicing homosexuality, they were into all sort of sexual sins. Sex in itself is not sinful, it is when sex violates another persons nature. Jesus is grieved by sinful behaviour, as He gets to see it first hand
on Feb 13, 2005
Those people in Sodom and Gommorah, were not just practicing homosexuality, they were into all sort of sexual sins. Sex in itself is not sinful, it is when sex violates another persons nature.

Excellent point aeryck, it appears we are living in a time when we want approval for things that our concsience tells us that is not right. It would be very similar to one trying to say that it is okay for a grown man to have sex with a child. How old 12, 10, 8, 6? We have heard account of men raping 3 year old children. Or man trying to conviice the society that sex with animals is normal.... maybe emotional but not normal. Surely we would not think it was normal if a man said he only felt happy and secure when he forcebaly took sex from an unyeilding woman. None of these deal with same sex but are just as wrong... at least in the eyes of God.

I would recommend Jesus, He loved me enough - to let me know, and His love is not the judgmental and opinionated type that pervades the media


on Feb 22, 2005
I'm gay, a label i would prefer to stay away from, more importantly i'm a human being, and find this site to be very critical upon something that is neither here nor there.Whilst there is an obvious purpose to heterosexual sex, why does most of this site find it so interesting to talk about why homosexual sex is something that is wrong and provides no purpose, when that opinion is coming from heterosexual people who have never even tried it. This world is so full of people trying to rubbish something they indeed have never even tried and probably never will, simply because it is different to the 'norm'. The only words of God i take heed of is 'Love thy neighbour' and whoever that may be i intend to stick to it, rather than ignore something i feel. I'm happy and am living a life pretty much without sin, so where is the problem?? I think there is far worser perils in this world we need to worry about than the crap most of you above have spieled.
on Feb 22, 2005
This world is so full of people trying to rubbish something they indeed have never even tried and probably never will, simply because it is different to the 'norm'.

Perhaps the reason that heterosexuals don't try homosexual sex is that they are heterosexual!

I think there is far worser perils in this world we need to worry about than the crap most of you above have spieled.

We shouldn't completely ignore the small things just because there are big things.

The only words of God i take heed of is 'Love thy neighbour' and whoever that may be i intend to stick to it, rather than ignore something i feel.

It's great to pick and choose what to accept and what to ignore, eh? Also, just because you feel something doesn't mean it's "good" or "not sin" or anything like that. Otherwise, addicts have no problems whatsoever.

I'm happy and am living a life pretty much without sin, so where is the problem?

That's pretty self-righteous of you. Everybody's sinful. Besides, homosexuality is a sin, so there's at least one sin you're committing.
on Feb 22, 2005
There is no such thing is "sin." Since "sin" means transgressing against the law of god, and there is no god, then there is no "sin."

So don't worry about it so much, eh?
on Feb 22, 2005
There is no such thing is "sin." Since "sin" means transgressing against the law of god, and there is no god, then there is no "sin."

So don't worry about it so much, eh?

Perhaps, but I'll wait until I hear from a higher authority on the subject.
on Feb 22, 2005
I'm gay, a label i would prefer to stay away from, more importantly i'm a human being, and find this site to be very critical upon something that is neither here nor there.

While I do believe homosexual acts are sin, I am also very much in the camp of "what adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom is their business".

This used to be a kind of mantra of the Gay Rights activist. Lately though, it isn't. Mere tolerance doesn't seem to be enough anymore, now acceptance seems to be the goal.

Just as all my friends commit acts I consider sinful (and vise versa), I can accept you as a person and still consider homosexual acts as a sin.

You're right, "gay" people are People first and foremost, so why does "acceptance" of the gay lifestyle seem to be such an important part of the "Gay rights" agenda lately?
on Feb 22, 2005
Rachel as a minister of God's word let me be the first to tell you that you are and should be loved. Albit mans love is often contengent on what we consider to acceptable in our own sight (what we approve of).Christ loved everyone.... enough to die for them. You sin is no different than my sin, but Christ is fully capable of taking care of that issue.

But we can not deny that even though Christ loved the sinner to die for them, he never condoned an individuals sin... He simply said "go and sin no more".

Oh; be very careful about listening to Myrrander,. He is grossly confused about the reality of God.... he is blind so to speak! But I did read comments that he posted on another thread, and I do think he has a heart, it just needs to be born again.

The good news is the Lord is verrrrrrry patient.

on Feb 23, 2005
I dont know whether there is god or not.And it doesnt matter more but i had wrote this article just for social issue .who is afraid of god??no one.
on Feb 23, 2005
Oh; be very careful about listening to Myrrander,. He is grossly confused about the reality of God

Just because Myrr doesn't believe in God, doesn't make his opinions any less valid. Your tone is superior and condescending given you have about as much proof your God exists as Myrr has that God doesn't.

If there were a God as you say, he would have to be very bloody patient to put up with this sort of crap...
on Feb 23, 2005
I may tell Christians that they are foolish, but I've never told anyone that they are going to hell.

Which of us is kinder, then?

"Sin" is human foolishness. There are plenty of reasons to live morally without cringing in fear from an imaginary god.
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