It is all abt gray , light and utmost dark color of life .Simply expressing every bit of life in different perspective
Published on February 5, 2005 By DevRatn In Life Journals
Well This is life how i define it ,clearly and precisely with a single picture:
Well Blue Background represents all universe.Rectangle's Upper border shows the start of Life while bottom one shows the end of it.Life starts with dark and comes to light and same at the end....midway it has different colors Brown color of sorrow,dullness :represents all bad time in human life.Other Bright color represents the Joy and merriment .Well color pattern is as random as our life and it should .Yeah life is as beautiful as this picture and as ugly as this picture depends only on temper ,abd perception abt life as for some above pic is dull so the life ..but for some pic is uniq and fill with treasure of thoughts same as life.
-----Well Waiting eagerly for yr thoughts on life.

on Feb 07, 2005
Well,i have tried my best to explain multi colored life with simple picture ofcourse pic is filled with a careful choice of color but in random style life is also random and unpredictable